ELA Group Traffic/Transportation Engineers were contracted by the Ephrata Borough to conduct a comprehensive traffic study in a response to continuing growth in traffic volumes in and around the Borough. The study encompassed four highway corridors and 23 intersections within Ephrata Borough. The purpose of the study was to examine the transportation network and develop recommendations that addressed current and anticipated traffic issues, with a goal of reducing congestion on the Borough streets.
Initial work involved traffic data collection, including traffic volume counts at all study intersections and along all study corridors, an origin-destination study along Main Street (U.S. Route 322), recording physical features of the transportation areas being studied, and a traffic signal equipment inventory at all signalized intersections in the study area. ELA Engineers then projected traffic volumes to 10 years in the future in order to address not only existing transportation needs, but future needs as well.
In the final stage of the study, conceptual roadway improvement plans and detailed construction cost opinions were prepared for intersections where major roadway improvements were recommended. The base mapping for the conceptual roadway plans was prepared using a combination of GIS data, traffic signal permit plans, and survey data collected by ELA Group. The detailed construction cost opinions included estimated total construction costs, survey and engineering costs, right-of-way acquisition costs, and costs for relocation of overhead utilities. Construction cost opinions were also prepared for all other intersections where improvements were recommended.
ELA Group Transportation Engineers designed the Highlands Drive Extension in Lititz, PA, to reduce traffic congestion on Lititz Pike (SR 501). The project, located within the Urban Growth boundary of both Lititz Borough and Warwick Township was demonstrated as necessary by traffic delays at multiple access points on the SR 501 corridor.
The project scope was to construct approximately 1500 feet of new road to complete the connection between residential communities, commercial districts, and health and human services locations. The roadway is 11’ lanes, 3’ shoulders and 6’ pedestrian/bike path separate from the roadway. Stormwater facilities and a detention basic were also constructed. The project was 100% State funded for construction.
ELA Group Traffic Engineers worked on a PENNDOT Highway Occupancy Permit Project at the intersection of Marietta Pike (SR 23) and Centerville Road. The project consisted of widening Marietta Pike and Centerville Road to include eastbound right-turn lanes; southbound through right-turn lane, resurfacing the existing roadway, drainage improvements, signing, line painting, pedestrian improvements, traffic signal modifications and other related work on SR 23 in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, PA.